Hordeum vulgare (barley)

BPBarkepooled sample of 15 vegetative and generative barley tissues. PCR depleted against a ~20.000 unigene set and normalized. Manufactured by company GATC.7768870
GANIngrid WTleaf epidermis; seedlings were grown at 18 degr. C, 60 % rel. humidity, and a photoperiod of 16 h (100 microE * s-1 * m-2). A. 8 days, seedl. were treated with ASM (syn. BTH; 20 ppm soil drench). Leaf epid. was harv. 8, 24, 48, 72 hpt3068306840320201048
GBNbackcross: Ingrid mlo5 and Ingrid MLGleaf epidermis; seedlings were grown at 18 degr. C, 60 % rel. humidity, and a photoperiod of 16 h (100 microE * s-1 * m-2). A. 8 days, seedl. were treated with cuture filtrate of Bipolaris sorokiniana. Leaf epid. was harv. 6, 12, 24, 48 hpt305830583772325733
GCAChevron (resistent cultivar)with Fusarium graminearum infected spikelets1286128637001286
GCNChevron (resistent cultivar)with Fusarium graminearum infected spikelets 1486148658014860
GCWCarola , highly susceptibleroots, Seedlings were grown in a mixture of SERAMIS and OIL DRI soil at 20 degree C, 16h light and 50-60% rel. humidity for 7 days, Roots were harvested 6, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hpi (hours post inoculation) with Fusarium culmorum KF 3501138113837401138
GDIngrid MLGleaf epidermis; seedlings were grown at 18 degr. C, 60 % rel. humidity, and a photoperiod of 16 h (100 microE * s-1 * m-2). A. 8 days, seedl. were inoculated with Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici. Leaf epid. was harv. 3, 6, 10, 18, 24, 48 hpi7878313780
GNWNickel, susceptibleroots, Seedlings were grown in a mixture of SERAMIS and OIL DRI soil at 20 degr. C, 16h light and 50-60% rel. humidity for 7 days, Roots were harvested 6, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hpi (hours post inoculation) with Fusarium culmorum KF 3501168116836601168
GPNPasadena (susceptible cultivar)with Fusarium graminearum infected spikelets1503150349515030
GWNickel and Carolaroots (Control); Kernels were germinated and subsequently grown in a mixture of SERAMIS and OIL DRI soil at 20 degr. C, 16h light and 50-60% rel. humidity, Roots were harvested after 7 days8478474370847
HABarkeembryosac, 0-7 DAF (days after flowering), filial tissue100551278548730229763
HBBarkedeveloping caryopsis, 8-15 DAF (days after flowering)100631027547224510030
HCSloopcoleoptile, 3 day5118816951433284841
HDGolden Promisecallus, 5-10mm in diameter4972741851529684450
HDPBarkepooled sample of 15 vegetative and generative barley tissues. PCR depleted against a ~20.000 unigene set and normalized. Manufactured by company GATC.15258293975461458814809
HEBarkeetiolated leaves (grown for 6 days in growth chamber, harvested at daylight conditions)336551427242309
HFBarkedeveloping caryopsis, 16-25 DAF (days after flowering)742076925432807412
HGBarkegreen leaves344565467237328
HHSloopcoleoptile, 1 day2397390253218562046
HIBarkefemale inflorescences (approx. 3mm in size)4526698553528354150
HJSloopembryos isolated 8 days after pollination, corresponding to the globular stage of embryo development.1971975330197
HKBarkeetiolated leafs. Plants were grown on filterpaper for 6 d at 250C in the dark. Leafs were harvested at daylight conditions10311383480891492
HLBarkeRNA pool: embryo, scutellum and aleuron from seeds 12 h and 62 h after imbibition, respectively6976975580697
HMBarkemale inflorescences, anther approx. 2 mm in size (green anther stage)4740726051930234237
HOIngrid BC mlo5Epidermis stripped 6 and 24 hours post inoculation from seven day old plants inoculated with Blumeria graminis hordei or B. g. tritici13143228275621071112116
HPBarkeepidermis (seedlings grown in greenhouse for 6 days, lower leaf epidermis removed and stored in liquid nitrogen.310937304867233007
HQBarketotal immature inflorescence (1 cm), plants taken from the field at 7:30 am, sunny day, isolation of inflorescences during morning (overperiod of 3 hours)6546545700654
HRBarkeroot(grown on filter paper at 250C for 48 hours in petridish, 1-1.5 cm in length)334541428239302
HSBarkeembryo + scutellum (0-16 hours after imbibition)4826708644825364550
HTBarkeendosperm (0-16 hours after imbibition)4926683453520524782
HUBarkegerminating seeds, 16-48h4633690651925034403
HVBarkegerminating seeds, 48-96h4463670849625354173
HWBarkeRoots were grown for two days on filter paper at room temperature3020540752626432764
HXBarkeapex (3-5 mm in size)4989789955432664633
HYBarkedeveloping caryopsis, 0-15 DAF (days after flowering)3517631955230703249
HZBarkepericarp 0-7 DAF (days after flowering), maternal tissue9780100484582969752
RUSBarkeHA: 0-7 DAF (days after flowering), filial seed part; HZ: 0-7 DAF, maternal seed part; HB: 8-15 DAF, whole caryopsis; HF: 16-25 DAF, whole caryopsis105941076657394831283

Pisum sativum (pea)

PSCErbiCotyledons, II-V stages53515511614542586
PSSErbiSeed coat, II-V stages37733866514381947

Solanum tuberosum (potato)

SDBNSolarapotato tuber, dormant buds (taken from freshly harvested tubers)2028202849620280
SDBTSolarapotato tuber, dormant buds5615614260561
SSBNSolarapotato tubers after ca. 3 months of storage, sprouting buds (ca. 2mm length)1128112856111280
SSBTSolarapotato tubers after ca. 3 months of storage, sprouting buds (ca. 2mm length)1661166138301661
STDBSolarapotato tuber, dormant buds1455145549414550

Triticum aestivum (wheat)

TRSalmonegg cell146916483711294354
TSSalmonegg cell7281176470620556

Petunia hybrida (petunia)

PHBSPetunia hybridaPetunia cutting base 0.5 cm, time kinetic during adventitious root development (ARD) from 0 to 8 days4700470049547000

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco)

NTTRSamsun NN (SNN)Trichomes were isolated from leaf tissue of plants with 10 - 12 fully developed leaves1650165050801650
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